Reps. Upton and Dingell on Solving America’s Opioid Crisis

Writing this morning for the Detroit Free Press, Reps. Fred Upton (R-MI) and Debbie Dingell (D-MI) reinforce the need for innovation to help combat opioid abuse and addiction in America. As they state:

“While it’s true there is no magic-wand to address this issue, we must recognize that if we’re going to achieve an addiction free nation, it will depend on smart science and a regulatory environment that promotes pain management alternatives.”

Achieving an addiction free America will not happen overnight. In fact, as a nation we’re spending more than $500 billion annually in health and social costs to combat this epidemic. But as Reps. Upton and Dingell explain, smart science and a regulatory environment that promotes pain management alternatives can help get our nation back on track.

“We can innovate our way out of the opioid crisis, but to do so we must face the challenges that stand in our way. It’s essential that we speed the commercialization of new, non-addictive painkillers – and ensure that neuroscience breakthroughs to treat opioid addiction are more accessible to patients.”

Consistent with the recommendations BIO recently released, Reps. Upton and Dingell agree that access to novel, safer treatments needs to be a top priority if we’re going to end this public health crisis. And as we’ve pointed out before, this can be achieved by breaking the barriers that impede patients’ access to the most appropriate treatments – including medication assisted treatment – and stimulating the development of novel and safer therapies to manage this growing public health crisis.

To read the full op-ed in the Detroit Free Press, click here. For more on BIO’s commitment to developing solutions that will allow for an addiction free America, click here.





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