Feature phones may be ‘dumb’ but they’re getting 4G LTE – CNET

Feature phones may be
Qualcomm’s latest 205 chipset allows the simplest phones to enjoy fast data speeds.

The Racemo is India’s first connected sports car – Roadshow

The Racemo is India
The marketing might be incredibly confusing, but the car itself looks neat.

Kalief Browder

Kalief Browder

EP86: UPSYD: The 5-Step Framework to Generate More Customers

Learn the 5-step framework that will give you the most upside potential with every new campaign you launch and help you generate more customers. Once you understand this concept, you can win in any market because the framework works on any platform and in any market.


  • The 5-step process that will move people from unaware of the problem to desiring your solution (« i.e. buying your product/service).
  • How to connect with people who are unaware of the problem or the solution.
  • The hook and ad copy Keith used to generate 217 shares and reach 200,668 people on Facebook (« this will make people open to your marketing message and move people through the steps to a conversion).


Keith’s UPSYD Slides
Episode 01: The Future of Paid Traffic
Episode 02: Acquiring Customers One Pixel At A Time
Episode 03: Facebook Video Ad Game Plan
Episode 43: Ryan Deiss Shares 4 Steps to Crafting and Optimizing the Perfect Offer
Episode 67: The Proven 3-Step Formula to Transform Your Business with Video Ads [Part 1]
Episode 84: Ryan Deiss: 7 Questions I Ask Myself Before I Finish Writing Ad Copy
Episode 85: 6 Elements of a High Converting Ad Creative

Press and hold link to visit the page

Show Page Notes

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The Duo Dominating Athlete and Celebrity Appearances and Branding

Ryan Totka and Adam Alson make it a habit of being seen around the biggest events in sports.

Have you met your soul mate? | Ashley Clift-Jennings | TEDxUniversityofNevada

Have you met your soul mate? | Ashley Clift-Jennings | TEDxUniversityofNevada
What does it mean to be married to someone who is transgender? Ashley Clift-Jennings had to answer that question six years into marriage to her husband. After overcoming her fear of what other people would think, she now appreciates that her spouse is her soul mate, and she would know how to find her in a dark room.

Ashley is the rare combination of big ideas and big action. With an innate ability to see the larger picture and connect seemingly unrelated dots, Ashley has advised dozens of small businesses from startup into growth. She believes strongly in community and is a powerhouse in her hometown of Reno, organizing meetups and events like Reno Maker Faire and Startup Weekend Reno. She is the founder and former CEO of Girlmade, an accelerator program for women to encourage a new, positive narrative that girls can run their own startups. Now with Parlor, Ashley is combining all her natural talents as a super-connector, problem-solver and music lover to push back on the “starving artist” myth. Ashley graduated from Columbia University and is a member of Nevada Lieutenant Governor Mark Hutchison’s Northern Nevada Entrepreneurship Task Force (EFT).

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx

Meet the Mayans: a tour of the real Yucatán, Mexico

Escape the fleshpots of the Yucatán coast and head inland – you’ll find people eager to share their jungle home with visitors, and a world of hidden temples and natural pools

After dinner, Juanito and I sit drinking beer. Outside is all the clamour of the jungle night. We talk about the big hotels on the Yucatán coast, an hour away by bus. Had he ever been inside one of them? Juanito is 64 and has twice been president of the village tourism co-operative, but he shakes his head. “I’ve heard about them from local people who go and work there, but I’ve never visited.”

The Yucatán peninsula’s east coast is one of the world’s biggest beach destinations, attracting more than five million visitors in 2015. It stretches south from Cancún (“nest of snakes” in Mayan) for about 80 miles to Tulum, and much of the coastal highway is lined with massive hotels, each attempting to outdo the rest in grandiosity: from minimalist chic to monumental mock Maya, a plaster pastiche that might impress 10-year-old Indiana Jones fans.

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Why Good Enough is the Best Way to Great

Focusing on perfect has stopped even the most talented from achieving greatness. Instead, modest victories add up quickly to long-lasting success

9 Digital Marketing Trends to Invest in This Year

Take a look at 2017’s must-haves for your marketing budget, according to these up-and-coming marketing trends.

13 Reasons Why

13 Reasons Why

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