Biotech is key to Achieving International Trilateral Group’s Goals

This week in Geneva three key UN agencies are meeting to address and advance their shared mission of achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

This is the seventh technical symposium organized by the WHO, WIPO and WTO dedicated to achieving the ambitious goals of UN Sustainable Development Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. Brennan, Secretary General of EuropaBio and a representative of the International Council of Biotechnology Associations, joined a panel discussion on Monday, February 26th at the symposium where he outlined the critical role biotechnology innovation will continue to play as we work to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Of note, John emphasized the need for greater support of policies that BIO recognizes as fundamental and vital elements of domestic and international policy that fuel innovation. This includes the need for improved and unified intellectual property protection standards and the reduction of trade barriers that impede access such as regulatory delays.

BIO share’s John’s view of the importance of working “together” with private and public institutions, as well as NGOs, to achieve the SDGs.

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