2018 World Congress: Start Planning with BIO’s Partnering Webinar

It’s hard to believe but the 2018 World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology in Philadelphia is only two months away! With the tri-state region of Delaware, New Jersey and Pennsylvania ranking as one of the top markets for biotechnology and home to many startups, this year’s World Congress is perfect for those looking to establish lasting partnerships in the industrial biotechnology industry.

The BIO One-on-One Partnering™ system takes the stress out of coordinating and scheduling meetings at the World Congress, so you can focus on your partnering strategy. Through BIO’s One-on-One Partnering, attendees can request meetings, message potential partners pre- and post-World Congress and create company profiles to showcase your company’s mission or latest breakthrough.

In case you missed it, BIO has put together a One-on-One Partnering Webinar to get you up to speed on how the system works. In the webinar, BIO’s Director of Partnering Products & Services Willie Reaves, along with BIO’s Director of Industrial and Environmental Policy Stephanie Batchelor, present a comprehensive overview of everything that can be accomplished in the platform.

From accessing attendee lists to reviewing programming and plenary details to strategies for getting the most out of your meetings, the Partnering Webinar covers everything you need to know to master BIO’s One-on-One Partnering system. Here’s a sneak preview of what is covered in the webinar:

  • What’s new at the 2018 BIO World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology
  • Comprehensive overview of World Congress programming, including plenaries, education tracks and more
  • Tips and Tricks for getting the most out of your partnering meetings
  • Tutorial of the BIO One-on-One Partnering system
  • Q&A with Webinar Presenters

In 2017, the BIO World Congress hosted 2,130 partnering meetings in just 3 days – a 9% increase from the number of meetings held in 2016. And with a 123% increase in partnering meetings since the 2014 World Congress, we expect 2018 to be even bigger. Don’t miss out on making lasting partnerships at the 2018 World Congress and be sure to view the Partnering Webinar.

If you haven’t done so yet, register to attend the 2018 World Congress.

And for those that have already registered to attend the World Congress in July and received their login information, BIO’s One-on-One Partnering is now open. Start building out your company’s profile and use BIO’s tips and tricks to get a head start, so you can begin partnering day one in Philadelphia!

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